Our trip to Costa Rica was exciting and relaxing. We started the first day by flying to the Dallas-Ft. Worth(Texas)airport. Since we had a layover of 3 1/2 hours, a tour of Ft. Worth was pre-arranged for us. We visited the historic stockyards, drove around the city, ate lunch in town and had a tour of Billy Bob's. Then we returned to the airport for our flight in to Costa Rica.
Our first night was spent at the Marriott in San Jose. We entered the city after dark so it was difficult to see what it looked like. Our rooms were spectacular! First class all the way. We had a welcoming buffet out on a deck overlooking the grounds. We tasted many little tidbits that we had no idea what they were. I always feel like we should at least taste the culture and hopefully not pay for it later. After viewing the San Jose sky, and visiting with all of our friends that we only see once a year, we headed off to bed.

When we awoke the next morning we were treated to a spectacular view of a swimming pool, golf course, and lush landscape. We headed down to breakfast, and then off to a full day touring San Jose and visiting the rainforest. San Jose was a beautiful city. It was so different than here at home, with barred windows and gates around every house. The houses were very modest and at least half seemed very run down. However, the porches (and each house had one) were tiled in the most beautiful tile that continued throughout the house, or at least the front part of the house that we could see from their open doors. The people were very well dressed, very clean and well groomed and had immaculate houses inside. They were a very friendly people, with beautiful faces and skin.
We stopped at the National Museum and had a tour of it. It was very interesting to see the history of these people. We stopped at a restraunt, I forget the name, and had a half hour for lunch before we were off to see the rainforest.
Please visit my page on the Rain Forest.
Read about days 3, 4, and 5 spent at a beach resort!