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We Love to Travel!!!

Our family loves to travel together. We all love exploring new places, enjoying the outdoors, the history, and the many new things we experience. Please share our adventures by reading my reviews. Some of the trips are family trips, and some are trips with just the two of us (hubby and I).

To see our family trips, check out The Adventures of the Traveling Moosies

Portugal, Spain, and Morocco-March 2001--a work in progress!

Caribbean Cruise-March 1999

Costa Rica-February 1998

Italy 1997-coming soon!

Hawaii 1995-Coming soon!

Other places we have been: Alaska Cruise, Nashville Tennesee, another Caribbean Cruise, Acapulco Mexico. I will eventually get around to reviewing these.

Don't forget to check out my State--UTAH

And also, more utah information on my other website! Sparkie's Utah