Welcome to a Virtual Tour of

Kugluktuk High School

Kugluktuk High School is located in the hamlet of Kugluktuk. As part of Canada's newest territory, Nunavut, Kugluktuk is the most western community in the newly formed political entity. The population of the hamlet numbers just over 1200 people. The school is one of two in the community.

Kugluktuk High School is responsible for delivering the highest possible education to the 160+ grade seven to twelve students registered at the school. Students enrolled in kindergarten to grade six attend Jimmy Hikok Iliharvik located a mere 100 feet from the main entrance of Kugluktuk High School.

This tour is meant to be an introduction to our facility. It may look bare in the pictures but it is much busier during the day as students change classes andmailto:rdemerchant@gov.nu.ca proceed with their daily activities.


Where would you like to start:

The main entrance

The staffroom entrance

Map of the Building

This site created and maintained by Richard V. DeMerchant.  

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