Welcome to the Trail Tribune!
Here you will find all the information you need to move in to your homestead and make it the best that it can be. Not everything is up quite yet, so please be patient and come back often.
The Community Center offers:
Basic HTML help
Including how to "move in" to your new GeoCities home
Advanced HTML
Including how to place backgrounds and music on your page and add colors
Frames Help
Including how to make them
Java/JavaScript Help
Forms Help
How to create your forms and uses for them
Tables Help
How to create both simple and advanced tables.
Graphics Gallery
Great places to find really great backgrounds, buttons and images to spruce up your homepage
Web TV Help
Including where WebTVers can go to get free graphics and instructions on how to place them on your page
Your Community Leaders
Who we are and how to get in touch with us for help
Heartland Committees
See what Heartland has for you from Contests to Awards to listing your site!
GeoCities Information
All the Information you need to get settled in your new GeoCities site!
Great Midis!
Find the perfect music for your homepage.
Come see all of the different counters you have to choose from.
Different guestbooks for every taste
Join the Traveling the Trail web ring!

Thanks so much for coming by. If you don't see what you need, please feel free to e-mail one of the Community Leaders for further assistance. Or you can send me mail at
I look forward to hearing from you!

| Main page | Your Community Leaders | GeoCities Info |
| Heartland Committees | Counters | Guestbooks | Basic HTML |
| Graphics | WebTV Help | Music | Advanced HTML | Frames Help |
| Java Help | Forms Help | Tables Help |
| Join the Traveling the Trail Webring |