September 12, 2003
The updated website is here!  The updated web site is here!  Well after much delay and anticipation the Taborfive web site beckoned to be updated.  So much has transpired since the last update in March that I am simply going to "summarize"  the activities.
Jana:  Jana joined Weight Watchers late last February and boy has it been effective!  I say it has been effective only in the context of total weight loss.  I DO NOT mean to imply that she needed to lose weight or that I thought she was F**.  I in no way implied nor requested that she lose weight or join WW.  Her motivation was entirely self originating and consistent with the insecurities of the average American female.  Anyway she has dropped around 37 pounds since joining and is now smaller than when she was in High School!  She has been gifted with an iron will and coupled it with the motivation and support of a good weight reduction program resulting in inevitable weight loss. For the record I believed she looked great then and that she looks great now 37 pounds later.
She got to show off her new leaner physique during a trip to Oklahoma last month.  It was a nice opportunity for her to spend some time with her family there while being away from her family here.  I hope to leverage her time away for a skiing trip to Colorado this winter with my Mom.  We'll see how much leverage I will have remaining by then.
Samuel:  Samuel finished off another stellar year at Cascade Christian School!  His grades and performance as a well mannered student surpassed even last year's excellence!  His S.A.T scores often reached well into the Jr. High School level in many categories and he finished the year once again as member of the elite T.R.S. (Totally Responsible Student) cadre of students..  After school he began what has been a whirlwind summer of fun and activity.  We all enjoyed the traditional "End of School" camping trip at Lake Cushman.  Samuel really enjoyed it because two of his neighbor friends got to accompany him on the trip.  After that he flew to Oklahoma with Jana to participate in the wedding of his cousin.  He had the privilege of serving as the ring bearer.  After that it was back to Washington to join his Grannie in another camping trip to Lake Cushman.  Only this time he had with him some brand spanking new water cannons purchased by Grannie while he was away.  Now he looks forward to his Nana's visit and an impending trip to Oregon for a couple nights stay in a hotel with a pool.
Christian:  This summer has been a roller coaster ride for Christian.  He had to miss out on the first camping trip because his seizure activity was so bad.  He spent the first night there but then had to be taken home early the first full day.  After we adjusted his meds in early July he perked up and the seizures all but disappeared.  Since then he has had only two seizures total and is currently on a record setting 24 days since his last one.  He has enjoyed the summer for the most part and especially enjoyed the camping trip with his Grannie.  He got to swim in the lake and enjoy the great outdoors of the great Northwest.  For his birthday he got to go to his favorite restaurant (Chucky Cheese's).  He also got a brand new swing set which he loves swinging on and sliding down the slide.  Christian also finished up his first year of school.  He enjoyed his class initially but then grew weary of the rigorous demands of Kindergarten.  He quickly found he preferred the comforts and pleasures of home over the demands of learning and coloring at school.
Steven:  What to say about Steven; our little Tommy Tornado?  Steven continues to ensure that not one waking moment is ever dull or boring.  His activities since March have resulted in at least two calls to poison control and a couple more to the health information resource "nurseline".  Amazingly over the spring and summer months he successfully completed potty training.  Jana and I were amazed at the relative simplicity we experienced during the process.  With only a few "accidents" he was going regularly in the toilet.  One "accident" however was quite the doozie.  Steven had gone off on his bicycle leaving his authorized play zone to explore the wonders of base housing.  While gazing at the sights and sounds of this forbidden land away from home he got the urgent desire to, shall we say, empty his bowels of their content.?.  At which urging he promptly lowered his shorts and undergarments to make a hefty steaming deposit right in the middle of the sidewalk.  Naturally a resident noticed the incident and set out to find the offender's parent or legal guardian.  This all culminated as Jana was rounding the corner of the housing area in search of the wandering lad.  After getting the low down from the resident Jana had to go home and get the necessary tools to clean the soiled sidewalk.  It was not a pretty picture.  Despite the zany antics Steven is quite the big boy.  He has completed his first full year of pre-school and is ready for Kindergarten this fall.  Regarding bicycles he has almost graduated from four wheels to two.  He has the balance and riding part down it is just the stopping and paying attention to where he is going part that trips him up (literally).  Given about a month more of practice though and I think he will have the two-wheeler fully mastered.  He actually is quite the natural when it comes to riding, skating, and balancing.  
We are so grateful to have our son causing angst over normal childhood issues when compared to the anguish of just two years ago.  God has raised up a wonderful son! We are blessed to have such an exuberent boy!
Me:  I have been busy with the usual things.  Work, home and school have consumed much of my time since last March.  The euphemism known as "Summer Vacation" translates into "Work and Planning" for Dad.  As our family has grown our camping needs have also grown proportionally.  Our last camping trip two weeks ago required strapping our sleeping mattresses to the top of the cargo box on top of our van.  We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies as we traveled the hour and a half to Camp Cushman but fortunately nothing blew off enroute and no major pileup was caused by debris tumbling from our van on to the interstate.  In late July I had the pleasure of climbing Mt. St. Helens with my Mom. The climb was much more demanding than either of us thought but we both made it to the summit in a little over six hours.  Our total round trip climb took 12 hours and 15 minutes.   I have never ached over so much of my body in my entire 37 years of life!  At the climb's conclusion we both concurred to NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!
Well I am going to close for now.  I won't even pretend to say when the site will be updated next.  Hopefully it will be before Christmas.  
I have posted a ton of pictures on the next page of the site.  Just click on the "Summer 03" text below to view them.
Until the next update...bye bye!
Since its' been about a month since I updated the outdated update I thought I'd update you!
All three boys hit the ground running last week and started school.  The first day back went PERFECTLY!  Christian was seizure free and eager to go.  Steven also was excited to be going back and loved his new backpack!  Samuel was the only one voicing decent but even his reservations were quieted by the reassuring sights and sounds of the first day back!  For the first time ever Jana and I have 2.5 hours daily with NO children in the house!
While the boys were saddled with the first day of school Jana and I giddily scampered off to one of our favorite restaraunts;  Elmer's for a quite relaxing breakfast.  The following week we went two mornings in a row!  We expect to go yet again in joyous celebration of the coming o fall, the turning of the leaves, and the solitude of "back to school"!
I leave you with a wonderful poem I found on a daily devotional web site.  
For your contemplation:
"Amid the trials which I meet,
Amid the thorns which pierce my feet,
One thought remains supremely sweet,
Thou thinkest Lord of me!
The cares of life come thronging fast,
upon my soul their shadow cast;
their gloom remind my heart at last,
Thou thinkest Lord of me!
Let shadows come let shadows go
let life be bright or dark with woe;
I am content for this I know
Thou thinkest Lord of me!
Thou thinkest Lord of me!
Thou thinkest Lord of me!"