has a special place they escape to and this is mine.
want to share with you some of my thoughts.
may change it each day or each week.
may make you happy, I may make you sad, or I may even make you mad,
I hope you will join me from time to time here to see what I am thinking.
has a special place they escape to and this is mine.
Early in my teen years I learned a valuable lesson....that is that
there is ALWAYS something beautiful about something or someone if you just take
the time to find it.
The following is written in respect to the most beautiful
person I have ever encountered (except my husband).
I suppose looking back on my life and childhood, the person
who had the most influence on my thinking about the beauty of
things was my high school English teacher. I went to a small consolidated
school in Yazoo County, Mississippi and this teacher came to our school when
I was in the 8th grade. She was not a pretty woman by any means but
she had the most beautiful hands I have ever seen. She knew how to use them
to express herself as few people do. I was a shy teenager and not apt to mix
with the other kids or feel any peer pressure. I would spend my free time at lunch
sitting in her classroom talking to her. She treated me as an equal and I enjoyed our
chats and the time spent with her. She loved violets and we always had them blooming in the
early spring and she always got the first bouquet. When I graduated, I lost track of her
and soon realized my loss in this friend so I set out to find her. I found her teaching in
a college in Arkansas and started a correspondance with her that endured the rest of
her life. Each birthday and Christmas I would find something with a violet theme, be it a
card or pretty handkerchief and send it to her. When she retired she moved back
to Jackson, Mississippi near where I lived and this gave me the opportunity to see
her and resume our "chats". She never married and lived with her sister in a nice
small comfortable house and I felt at home with her again. About 6 years ago, she passed
away and I still miss her.
~~~~~~~~~~~Ann Roberts~~~~~~~~

Friends forever
You don't have to look far to see a miracle, what could be more supernatural than a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, an egg yolk into a chicken, or an acorn into a mighty oak?
I had a letter from an elderly friend who wrote "It is really hard work just living." Ain't it so!!!!
I will be updating the pages again when time permits.