
My name is Oskar and this is
my homepage :O)
I´m almost 3 years old and I live in Sweden with my mom and
dad and little brother.
And guess what...We were born on the same day, two years apart :o)

About me:
My full name is Oskar Kurt Erik.
Kurt after my mom´s grandpa and Erik after my dad´s.
I was born on April 6th, 1998, at 12:59
I weighed 3030 gr. (6 lbs, 6 oz) and I was 49 cm. (1'6")
When I was new in this world I loved to
fall asleep to
KISS - Double Platinum but now I listen to everything :O)
My favorite song right now is "Mera Mål" by 'Markoolio'.
I also just LOVE "Bananas in pajamas"
and "Teletubbies".
But my absolute favorites are ANYTHING by Astrid Lindgren.
Especially Emil i Lönneberga and Pippi Långstrump (Pippi
About my littlebrother:
My brothers full name is Emil Erik Sören.
Sören after my grandpa on moms side.
He was also born on April 6th. But 2000 and at 11:47 (am)
He weighed 2730 gr. and was 47 cm.
I love him very much. He´s my best friend!
You´ll find a photo of us in the photoalbum.
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mom´s page~
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Photo: © Lena