This site is for everyone concerned about violence, especially among our young people. It is a place to read and to write and to get your views out, no matter what religion you are, what age you are, or who you are. I hope you will contribute by writing more mail in responses to these letters and on violence in our world.
On this page I will give you my views on this issue and on the following pages are letters I have received in response to this site since it was first put up after the Littleton, CO school shootings.Many things have happened since that time, but those scenes will never be erased from my mind. More violence is happening, and it's not just one person or one thing that's causing it. I really believe it takes a whole combination of things to cause such angry feelings in a person. It's not just the internet, the parents, the schools, etc. It's everyone and everything involved in our lives. As adults we choose to do what we want, as children we need guidance and time to find the right path and that's up to everyone. Children need love and role models.
In a recent poll students were asked what sentences they liked to hear the most. The top three were:
When first hearing the last sentence I laughed, then I cried. We all would like to hear these words. The last sentence really got to me. How many families site down for dinner and have a good chat, even if the responses from family members are one word.
Do the above sentences sound familiar? They bear a striking resemblance to what our Lord said as He was being crucified. Yes, I do have a strong religious conviction, I will not deny that. I believe that the best instruction manual we have for life is the Bible and the church family, but it's not the only resource we have. I will not condemn anyone with different views, it is not my place to judge people. My belief is that we all have our roles in raising children & adults. We are play intricate parts in those around us. My purpose of these pages is to enable anyone the opportunity to express their feelings. I do not know where this site will lead me or others, even if it's just to think, that's enough. I do promise that even if your views don't agree with mine they will be stated as you write them. Just e-mail me about anything. Even if you just need someone that is anonymous to talk to, just let me know and your mail will not be published on this site. I will answer everyone who writes.
The list of letters grows everyday, so now there are several pages of them. They are listed in the order I received them.I you can't read them all now, please bookmark this page and come back.
Warning! There are a few letters included that contain language that I may not approve of, but I think it is important that this site be for free speech and unless it is particularly disturbing I will put all letters written as the writer wrote them.
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E-mail: Tina
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