Pictures of Our Pets

Our Dogs


George, above, came to live with us when he was 3 months old after being moved through 3 different houses before we were lucky enough to have him come live with us. He was born August 4, 1993 and would have been 12 years old in 2005. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with lymphoma in the spring of 2005. He left us July 8, 2005 and will be sorely missed.
Jackson, aka Jackie, below, is a buff-colored Cocker Spaniel, and he'll be 7 years old as of June 4, 2005. He came to live with us when he was only about 8 weeks old.



And, finally, here's Sammy, our youngest. We adopted him December 2001. He was approximately 1 year old when he came to live with us. We were first told he was part German Shephard, part Collie. Well, since being to various vets and meeting quite a few people who had mixes of his kind, we've come to the conclusion that he's a Golden Retriever/Australian Shephard mix. We've been using December as his birthday, so he turned 4 this past December (2004).

The following pages are Pet Link pages. They are updated as much as possible, when I find the time. PetsEtc. has links for Food/Nutrition (mostly dogs); Shelter/Rescues; information on Puppy Mills; Ethical/Unethical Breeding; Pet Loss/Memoriams; Treat/Biscuit Recipes (dogs); Pet Supplies/Products; Training/Behavior. PetsEtc2 has links for: General/Fun Stuff; Medical Care (including Alternative links; Poison info); Animal Web Page Graphics.

More info needs to get out to women concerning PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). I was finally diagnosed after years of misery. Here are 2 links to get more informed: INCIID, PCOS FAQs and PCOSupport.

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