ello to everyone and thanks for coming back to our webpage!  It has been much too long since we updated here.  In the meantime, we have visited many new places and seen some great things.  The Flying Camels have even moved up a division in the Northern Suburbs Basketball League after making it to the championship game last season.  So be sure to catch up to date with them as well. We will be posting new pictures and notes at least every two weeks so check back often!. 

Michael and Deborah

Getting ready to go diving in Fiji.  It was the first time, but certainly not the last.  Going 65 feet down and seeing hammerhead and barracuda was an unforgettable experience.


Pictures from areas just outside of Sydney.

Australian Wildlife.

Flying Camels Basketball update.


We took a trip to Wakaya Island in Fiji for a week in April.  The Fijians were perhaps some of the friendliest people we have ever met.  Everywhere you walked, cries of "BULA!" (Hello) and "SENGA NA LENGA!" (No worries) were cried out.  Drinking their local kava with them was an experience in itself which just about knocked us out for the next twenty-four hours.  Below are just a few of the sights from Fiji.  Check back soon for some more.

Wakaya Island, Fiji.

Drop a line!

Dave and Amy's Wedding!!

Fun and Games !!  <BE PATIENT FOR DOWNLOAD.>