Here are my notes regarding the bakery taken from information that mom had.

1902- Bakery was started at home by Mrs. B.C. Durkee.  A start was made in a store where the Homer Village Fire Station now stands, but ill health (of B. C.) forced a temporary closing.

Source: Florence Durkee speech when she retired from the bakery.

Pictures attached of the first store and founders Lena and BC.

1905- they opened again on North Main Street, stayed one year and moved to McMurphy's on South Main Street where they stayed until they moved to Cortland.  Retail Hot Baked Bean Sandwiches were 5 cents.  Source: Florence Durkee retirement speech.

Source:  1958 Sesquetinnial Book from notes given by Florence Durkee

            Times were hard 50 years ago. Lena Durkee needed to supplement her husband’s $10 a week income and started baking bread for her friends and neighbors. As the fame of this good bread spread, her husband, Bert, decided to team up with her and start a baking business. She often said, “He became a far better baker than I ever was.”

            The beginning was very humble; fair sized room with a kitchen range to bake in, and a small room for the sales room.  Bread made from yeast foam was raised in large dishpans and kneaded by hand. Cake was stirred by hand, apples pared by hand and all fillings for pies made up as in one’s own kitchen. There were no shortcuts and no prepared mixes and no one even dreamed of a 40 hour week.

            The Durkees had one son Albert, who grew up with the business. Starting at the age of ten, perhaps earlier, he stood on a bench to mix brown bread while his mother mixed the cookies and his father mixed the white bread.

The bakery was retail until 1921, delivering by horse and cart.

            BC had a standing feud going with a competitor baker, Top Notch Bakery