Don't forget to email me with any updates and changes.
Cole, Matt & Belinda 160 Wilsonia Road,
Rochester, New York 14609 585-288-8508
Cole, Ruth (Marc) 5802 SE Belmont #12, Portland,
Oregon 97215 503-238-6924 ruthcole19@yahoo.com
Marc: marc@woltersii.com
Morgan , Maureen 24 Cayuga Street, Homer,
NY 13077 607-749-3878
Connolly, Shelly & Doug 82 Cheever
Street, Milton, MA 02186 617-696-2680 writeidea@yahoo.com
Dean, Chris & Kevin 3368 Marsden Pt.,
Keswick, VA 22947 804-970-1814 cdean@spectrumtherapy.com
Dexter, Bill & Beth Ann 37
Deerfield Place, Beacon, NY 12508 845-838-1314 Benzdex14@aol.com
Dexter, Jack & Ellie "The Winners
Circle" #2726, 5851 Holmberg Road, Parkland, Florida 33067-4534
Dexter-Rice, Judy & Bob 1866 Homestead
Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18018 dexrice@enter.net
Dexter, Susan 35 D Hudson View Drive,
Beacon, NY 12508
Dexter, Tim & Karen 49 Dutchess
Terrace, Beacon, NY 12508
Dexter, Teresa 11 Pine Tree
Drive, Delmar, NY 12054 518-439-5876 TDEXTER446@aol.com
Dexter, Tommy & Sarah 39 Oxen Drive, Oakland, ME
04973 207-465-9323 tadexter@colby.edu
Dexter-Sindayigaya, Tracy & Adrian Burundi, Africa
Kiernan, Tom & Mary 43 Clinton Street,
Homer, NY 13077 607-749-6588 Mary_Kiernan@yahoo.com
Magin, Stacey & David 87 Hamlin Street,
Cortland, NY 13045 607-753-8478 dmagin@twcny.rr.com
Miller, Annie & Jeff 6 Plymouth Road,
Newburgh, NY, 12550
Schuhle, Betsey & Aaron 2806 Broadway,
Schenectady, NY 12306 518-588-4449 betsala@yahoo.com
Morgan, Bill & Maureen 7 Licardo Lane,
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-817-1342 (Bill's Cell) wmorgan0@pepsi.com
Morgan, Matt & Linda 12 North Main St.,
Homer, NY 13077 607-749-4361
Morgan, Marc 304 Emerson Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13204
Morgan-Steria, Meghan & Luke 6760 Steger Road, Preble,
NY 607-299-4703 mmorgan5@hotmail.com
Morgan, Stephen (Jennifer Chernago) 1009
Handshaw Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Morgan, Mike & Susie 4 Brentwood Drive,
Homer, NY 13077 607-749-4036 mmorgan@twcny.rr.com
IM: msissypoo
Morgan, Steve & Doreen 28 Pheasant
Ridge Drive, Loudonville, NY 12211 518-458-8293
Morgan, Ted & Nancy 29 Oakwood Drive N., Englewood, FL
34223 941-473-1045 nancynancym55@aol.com
Morgan, Tom & Kim 35 Spindlewick Drive,
Nashua, NH 03062 603-888-8006 Morgies4@aol.com
Perfetti, Dave & Margaret 14 South Main
Street, Homer, NY 13077 607-749-4619 Dave:
Maggie: MAM1_0639@yahoo.com
Perfetti-Clark, Lucia & Tim 7725 N. Marshfield Ave.,
Chicago, Illinois 60626 Lulu72078@yahoo.com
Perfetti, Tim & Lisa 7 Water Street,
Homer, NY 13077
Perfetti, Mike & Sara 283 Main Street, Cumberland, ME 04021 207 -829- 2869 sarap@maine.rr.com
Zacher, Mary Ellen & Bill 33 Sunnyside
Drive, Friendship, NY 14739 716-973-8835 bz841@localnet.com
Chris Zacher PO Box 21, East Rochester, NY 14445
585-387-3597 czacher11@yahoo.com
Cathy & Tom Talbett 15 East Water Street,
Friendship, NY 14739 catzacpt@yahoo.com

What shall I say about the
The utterly impractical, never
sometimes irascible, quite inexplicable
Strange blend of shyness, pride and
And stubborn refusal to bow in defeat.
He's spoiling and ready to argue and
Yet the smile of a child fills his soul
with delight.
His eyes are the quickest to well up
with tears.
His strength is the strongest to banish
your fears.
His hate is as fierce as his devotion is
And there is no middle ground on which
he will stand.
He's wild and he's gentle, he's good and
he's bad.
He's proud and he's humble, he's happy
and sad.
He's in love with the ocean, the earth
and the skies
He's enamored with beauty, wherever it
He's victor and victim, a star and a
But mostly he Irish, in love with his