The Official Website of
Sabrina Paige Aisenberg

Please help find
Sabrina Paige Aisenberg
Missing/Endangered since November 24, 1997
Child Is In Danger!


Please join the search ~ display one of these posters on your site with a link back to: so that everyone can read Sabrina's story.

sabrina poster second sabrina poster

We have a printable copy of Sabrina's Lost & Found Poster. On this poster, you will find a photo of Sabrina, at age 5 months and age progression photo of Sabrina at 3 years old. Please print this poster and put it everywhere ~ airports, bus stations, train stations, hospitals, doctor's offices, clinics and your offices. If you have an appointment today, take along a copy of this poster and ask the people you have your appointment with to please display this poster of Sabrina. (Poster updated 8/4/2000)

From The Webmaster: I realize there has been a lot of controversy regarding this case. Please try to keep in mind that Sabrina is still missing. It is my choice to keep this site active until Sabrina is found, one way or the other. It is not my place to judge or criticize The Aisenbergs, Sheriff, or FBI. I am on Sabrina's side. She is the helpless one who is missing. On the day that Sabrina is found one way or the other, I will then post it here.

This Is How you Can Help Sabrina!

You can help by looking into the face of every child who *might* look like Sabrina. Do not be afraid to call for help. Sabrina could have blond hair and blue eyes now at 3 years old! If the child is Sabrina, you could be the person who can help bring her home!

  1. If you see her in any park or swimming pool, please call the nearest Security Guard or Life Guard.
  2. If you see her in a shopping center, call Security. Please make note of the shop or store in which you saw her. If the person who has Sabrina used a credit card, it is traceable!
  3. If you *think* the child looks like Sabrina, call the police. If the person you confront does *not* have Sabrina, they will understand, but if they do have Sabrina, they should worry a lot!
  4. Lots of people carry Cellular phones. PLEASE call the Sabrina Task Force or the police!
  5. Take copies of Sabrina's Poster with you. When you visit a park, swimming pool, or Shopping Center, give a copy to the proprietors!
  6. If you have a website, please get a copy of Sabrina's picture and display it with a link back to this site! Please, let's get involved with finding this child!
  7. If you have any other suggestions, please by all means email the Sheriff's Department or the webmaster of this Sabrina site!

When reported missing, Sabrina was 5 months old! We're not looking for a 5 month old baby anymore. We're looking for a 3 years old child. She was reported missing when someone walked into her parents' home and took her from them!

If you have seen this baby or know any information call any one of the above publications. Call someone! Call anyone! Please help bring this child home alive!

Date of Birth - 6/27/97
Date Missing - 11/24/97
Missing from - Valrico, FL

Please call with any information!

Sabrina Aisenberg Task Force

Telephone Number - 1(813)247-8915
Fax # 1(813)744-5528 - Attn: Sabrina Aisenberg Task Force

L.E.A. - Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department
Florida Dept of Law Enforcement - 1(888)356-4774

Crime Stoppers: 1-800-873-tips (8477)

ID Info - NCIC #M-078309557. As of November 24, 1997, Sabrina is a white female, 2'6" tall, weighs 20 pounds, has brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a lavender one piece sleeper with a floral pattern and has a blue and yellow handmade blanket (shown below). Since Sabrina would be approximately 3-years-old now, it is normal that her features could have changed by now. An infants eye color could change from blue to blue, green or even brown eyes. Sabrina looked a lot like her sister, Monica. Monica's eyes went from blue to brown between 8-10 months. Sabrina's hair was dark at 5 months old. Monica's hair turned lighter between 9-10 months.

Identifying birthmarks: Sabrina has dots shaped like a "Y" below her right shoulder.

Sabrina's Story!

November 25, 1997

A baby's mother issues a public plea for the safe return of her daughter. Deputies say they have a couple of leads. Police dogs searched the neighborhood and nearby woods. Helicopters hovered overhead. But by the end of the day Monday, 5-month-old Sabrina remained missing without a trace from her quiet suburban home. Late Monday, the child's mother issued a public plea for the safe return of her daughter, and Hillsborough County Florida sheriff's deputies said they were following a couple of leads in the case that is being treated as a kidnapping.

Sabrina's BlanketDeputies are releasing few details. What they are saying is that sometime between midnight and 6:42 a.m. Monday, Sabrina Paige Aisenberg and her yellow baby blanket were taken from her crib. Her mother checked on the baby at midnight and she was fine, said sheriff's spokesman. When her mother got up in the morning to get her other two children ready, she found her baby missing. Whoever took the child didn't leave a note. Authorities wouldn't say if there were signs of forced entry.

Marlene Aisenberg and her husband, Steve, were routinely questioned by investigators Monday, authorities said. Family vehicles were taken in for inspection. The couple are the child's biological parents, authorities said, adding there are no known custody disputes. The missing child's maternal grandfather has offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the Sabrina's safe return. On March 31, 1998, Steve Aisenberg told Good Morning, America there is a $75,000 award now being offered from several organizations on the community..

Authorities are asking for the public's help in solving the case. Baby Sabrina was last seen wearing a lavender, one-piece outfit with a floral pattern. Anyone with information should call (813) 247-8685.


Related Stories

America's Most Wanted's Story
The Tampa Tribune
The St. Petersburg Times
California Missing Children ~ Sabrina
Child Search
EBS The Lost Child
Missing Children Help Center
Missing & Exploited Children
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department
Web Emergency Child Alert Network
The Polly Klaas Foundation
Chris Polenski's Mini-Stock Nascar Site
Marvelicious Missing Florida Cherubs
Susan Duncan's Missing Children Listings


All matching graphics and content on this web site are copyright by Marvel Creations and may not be reproduced. This web site was created & designed by Sonya MarvelŠ 1996-2001 Marvel Creations, which began May 28, 1996.

Disclaimer  - Due to the growing popularity of Sabrina's Site and the fact that it is considered the Official Site, it is impossible for me to display all links to mirror sites on this page. That is what the official web ring is all about. Please, if you have a site attempting to help bring Sabrina home or you have Sabrina's information on your site, join the web ring and link with the rest of us who's only concern is that Sabrina be found and hopefully returned safely to her family. This site was created for the express purpose of making people aware that Sabrina is missing and to circulate her picture until she is found. There is a lot of controversy and strong feelings about this case. It is the position of this webmaster not to take sides against anyone regarding this case. Sabrina is still missing! The only purpose is to help find Sabrina and not to gain any profit from this website. This site will remain music free until Sabrina is found! Please do *not* COPY this site. These matching graphics are copywritten. If you wish to have a site for Sabrina, please create your own. Permission will *not* be given to duplicate.

Changes last made on: Thu Mar 8, 2001
This site is dedicated in Memory of John Dion Ridenour-Marvel
Marvelicious Designs

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since 12/12/97