This site looks best if your browser is Netscape 4.0 or higher resolution set to 800 x 600 16 bit high color or better. Verdana Arial Helvetica font is used throughout this site.Thankyou Digital Diva Cindy truly an inspiration..
Web Page layout designed in Macromedia Dreamweaver 2.0 using frame & layer attibutes, all graphic's created by Darling Thunder with exception of Native Indian American Woman & Falcon "My Souls Journey" inspired and written by Darling Thunder, "Nothing is so Strong" by Coyote Thunder. This site and all associating graphics & HTML layout created by artist, please enjoy looking however please do not take without the express permission of designer © Darling Thunder 1996 - 1999. Darling Thunder with deep respect and pride honors the 11th Commandment and my site is honored on Moyra's Widow Web Honor Roll List.font>