Sophie's World
Hi! My name is Sophie.
I live with Lori N Ernie. I'm in charge of greeting people at the door. Sometimes, I do my job so well, I'm asked to go lie down and chill out. Lori wanted me to have my own web page, so she made me my very own backdrop, aren't I cute? She thinks that people think I can talk and write letters, well I can't but she knows what I want to say so she does it for me.  Isn't she cute!
Here are some of my Favorite Links!
Please enjoy them...I do
Friends From:
New Jersey
American Kennel Club
Pug Museum
Pet Supplies
My Web Ring Page
Pug World
My Water Bottle Fetish
Danceing Pug
Lori N Ernie
My Chew Chew Toys
Sleeping Pug
Where Did I Come From?
Purchase Checks w/Animals
Most of the graphics, from Sophie's web pages, came from one of these places.
Do you like my web pages so far?
Join me in Santana's Monthly Birthday Club!
It's Lots of Fun!
Thank You for visiting 'Sophie's World'  We hope you  enjoyed your visit.
Please come back as often as you'd like, we will be adding more pictures and more advanture soon!!!
Visit any of our Christmas Web Cards
Started  April 27, 1999.  You have Sophie's permission to copy any picture of her you want, as long as you ask first.   More to come in the future...