Our family is rather new to the internet compaired to many,
but we sure have learnt how to SURF !! *smiles*

Below are some of our current favorite family haunts.
This should change from time to time as we discover new places
so please remember to check back now and then !!


For anyone interested in the wonderful world of the Datsun 510
510 Again - The National Datsun 510 club

Anything you ever wanted to know about trains !!
NMRA Directory of World Wide Rail Sights

Did someone say NASCAR the computer racing game?
This sight is the ultimate in add on's check it OUT !!
Welcome to the Pits


Ever heard of LARRYBOY ??
If you haven't, check the wonderful world of Veggie Tales!!
The Ultimate Veggie Tales Web Sight

Saboomafoo, Noddy,& Arthur
Plus many more great sights from the PBS shows !
PBS Kids!


I can usually be found playing Euchre here
well, or spades, cribbage, chess, or rummy *smiles*
I am always looking for a good partner!!

A lovely Women's magazine... GREAT articles !!
Christian Woman

We hope you check out and enjoy some of our favorite sights !!

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