
That's me....Neena bhua holding Kaitlyn!

My newest niece is HEEEEEERRRRREEEEE!!!

When she was a tiny little fetus, names were suggested.  There was Fergus and Ramjidas, then there was Maighan and Sonia, then there was Shamus and Bukhund das.......the task was daunting.........what to name it, what to name it.......boy or girl, boy or girl.  Didn't like to call it "IT" because then the fetus became "Cousin IT"  (my favourite Addams Family character).  So........after many a sleep filled night, Success!!  We'll call it TWEETY for the duration of the pregnancy.....hence, Tweety it was until that fateful day....May 26, 1999, 09:58 a.m., she made her appearance.  All 8 pounds and 6 ounces (3,800 grams) of her with her incredible length 22 inches (56 cm) and more hair than her dada!  On that day at that hour she became........KAITLYN.  Ready to be spoilt by grandpa, grandma, bhua and everyone else in the world!

                               Welcome to the world Kaitlyn!


Now she doesn't look quite like the baby you see here, but move your cursor over the baby face and watch her, then left click to hear her!

Click Here for Kaitlyn's Pictures
