McDowell photo
Grand Harbour Lighthouse, located at Fish Fluke Point, Ross Island, was built in 1874, with Henry McLaughlin as the first keeper. Henry had been principal keeper at Gannet Rock from 1843 to 1853, and was succeeded by his brother Walter, long time principal keeper at Gannet Rock and South West Head.
One keeper, Harry McDowell and his wife, Sadie, spent many years at Grand Harbour Light, from 1914 to 1948, and his children have many happy memories of their lives there.

Sadie McDowell
McDowell photo

McDowell sons - Joe, Shannon, Maynard and Elliot
McDowell photo

Two of the McDowell girls
Jean and Lillian
McDowell photo
The McDowell children walked to Grand Harbour to school every day, a distance of at least four miles.
The lighthouse closed in 1963 and was replaced by a light on the Ingalls Head breakwater. It was heavily damaged by the Groundhog Day Gale in 1976.

McDowell photo

McDowell photo
Every major storm has caused more damage

Chip Lomax photo

Dorothy Daggett photo
There is an excellent article in the May 1999 issue of the "Lighthouse Digest" on Grand Harbour Lighthouse. The magazine has declared this to be the most endangered lighthouse in North America. If it is not restored this year, it will be hopelessly lost.
This page will be updated if and when the lighthouse is restored.