This page is decated to all women who have suffered abuse of some sort or another. This story is being written for the help for anyone that has been through physical and mental abuse. She experenced these and they are true, names have been changed to protect all involved.

The title of this book is "STALKED BY MY MEMORIES", and I hope it is finished soon. I am trying to encourage the finishing of the book. I believe that these experiences can help young girls, to make them aware that all is not what it seems in young love and not all love is a healthly kind of love. That there are people that take advantage of nieve and inexperenced teenage girls. That people are able to control your mind, that is a form of mental abuse. That people can make you believe that this is love, even when you are being beaten and raped, and other forms of abuse.


What happened to my little girl

she can not be

The way she was before

the world took her away from me

Tho I seek her often

no longer among the rest

Maybe she will find us

I hope she is happy, I guess

She doesn't see life as it is

she is in a wall

She has created to hide

I am afraid she might fall

Then she will be gone forever

never to see us again

God help my little girl

By: Glenda Oden January, 2000