e-mail: goden@powernet.org

There are so many ways that the Spirit touches each and every one of us. Sometimes we may not see it at the moment, but as time goes on by we began to see all the little things as well as big things in our lives that God has done.


Sometimes I wonder just
where we all would be
If it had not been for Jesus
who died and set us free
He's returning in His Glory
for all the world to see
And taking us to Heaven
to live for eternity

He left this world of sin
and took the cross to Calvary
There He died for sinner men
while nailed to that tree
No greater gift in this life
can there ever be
Than the gift of Love
that Jesus gave for me

By: Glenda Oden

Sometimes we try to do things for the Lord and fail. Has this ever happened to you? I remember the first time I was asked to help put on a Christmas play for a Church. Boy, did I mess up. I tried and tried to work with these young teenagers and all they would do was fuss and fight. I felt that I had failed God so bad that I cried and cried. Then the Lord gave me a poem of my own to cheer me up and let me think I hadn't failed so bad. This is what He gave me.


I'd like to take this time, Dear Lord
To let you know my thoughts
and tell of all the blessings
your life to me has brought

I've read the story in the Bible
of the Baby you sent to earth
and know about the wonders
of His precious and Holy Birth

I want to express my love
for all the Love you've given me
and let you know my feelings
of the spirit and faith I see

I've watched the changes in my life
slowly take a turn
and I owe it all to Jesus
for the things He has let me learn

I know I'm not worthy
of all the times He has blessed me
I will never be as great or mighty
as many has been to thee

If I live to be a hundred
or only just a day or two
I know my life is fuller
because of your Love so true

At the Christmas season
wishes go here and there
but this Christmas, Jesus
I send them where you are

I'd like to tell you, I Love you, Lord
I'm glad you fit me in your plan
and thank you, Baby Jesus,
because through your life, I'll Live again

By: Glenda Oden 1985


A brother in our church
got to visit Heaven for a while
He saw how wonderful Heaven was
He wanted to stay in this Place
But the keeper told him he had to go back
That he still had work to do on earth
But while he was there, he saw great things
he saw a nephew, who had died, laughing,
and playing, and enjoying a wonderful time
It was so peaceful and free from stress
and other things in this life
A place you would want to live forever
This is a great miracle, that God gave him
To see what Heaven is like before you go
To know where you will be going before you die
How great God is to give people this visit
So they can tell others about Life after Death

I just wanted to share this with each any everyone that visits this home page. This is a true story. God is still working hard and is still around all the time.

Like to comment or would like to share
anything with me: e-mail me

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