e-mail: goden@powernet.org
I know so little
about this life
And all the things
What ever we face
may seem so hard
but we must be strong
and trust the Lord
"He will see us
thru so many things
and make us
stronger at the end.
We can humble ourselves
and pray
and be rewarded each
and every day
The strife we endure
will be filled
with Joy and Peace
after that climb up the hill.
Every day God shows the way
By: Glenda Oden August 18, 1999
If you would like to e-mail me, sent to: goden@powernet.org
In this life we never know what may come next. If we constant
worry over each problem, we cannot see God working out things
for us. We have to pray and turn all things over to Him for
things to work out for the best. He knows what is ahead and how
to take care of it. We are only human and can do nothing
Let me walk in this Life
the best I can for what is right
Let me stand true and strong
help keep me from all wrong
Don't let me worry or be afraid
of life's troubles on my way
Help me in all danger and pain
that I might have more to gain
Than what is given here below
that is more than silver or gold
That I may reach a better land
where I shall never fall but always stand
Let me be the best I can
all that is alotted to man
That I will fully know my place
will be with You, filled with grace
Not just a day or two, but for all time
so I have peace, joy and love that's mine
Always make me mindful of others too
giving, caring for my sisters and brothers
By: Glenda Oden 1990
The tree is gone where Jesus died
But memories linger thru all time
The feelings felt are still around
Carried thru all eternity by the Holy Spirit
There is nothing in life felt so strong
As the love God gave through His Son
If the world should linger another million years
There will always be these memories still
Some may not beleive them
Some may deny them
But none can change them
By: Glenda Oden

You don't know me, but your my friend
You don't know if I'm fat or skinny
If I'm tall or short.
If I have blue or brown eyes
You have never seen me, but your my friend<
You don't know my race, never seen my face
The color of my hair, or if I swear
If I'm whole, if I'm old
You've been to visit for a while
But, you've never seen me smile\
You don't know if I am rich or poor
You don't judge me, because you don't know me
You except me, talk to me, and your my friend
It won't matter about any of this
That's the wonder of the Internet
By: Glenda Oden 1-1-2000