Usually known as "The Oz Man" around here, he is one great dog!  Ozzy entered our family on March 12, 2001.  I had really wanted another dog since my Westie, Coco, died in 1998, while I was pregnant with Jessie and Jake.  With the twins coming, I didn't think I needed to add a new puppy to the mix, so I waited a while.  On a whim, I went into the pet store to look at the dogs in the Humane Society adoption center at the back of the store.  Well, you know how THAT goes...you can't walk away from all those cuties needing a home!  So, a few hours later, we headed home with Oz.  The kids had a rough time adjusting to him for a day or two, and he was a bit rough, but that quickly passed and we're all pleased with how wonderful Ozzy has adapted to life in our often hectic household! 

Ozzy was anywhere between 5 and 8 months old when we got him, so he turned a year old sometime this summer.  He's a Cairn Terrier - Shih-Tzu mix.  Ozzy is a surprisingly well-behaved dog and we all enjoy him more each day.

It's a wonder that poor Ozzy knows WHAT his name is...Jessie always calls him Sniffy and Little!
Ozzy and the whole family - June 2001