Lest We Forget

Jacobus Cornelis Adrianus Simonis (Picture by courtesy "Nationaal Archief" The Hague) was born in The Hague 9 JUL. 1892. Jacobus died on 22 May 1943 in Dusseldorf during W.W.II in German prison.

Adrianus Jacobus Wilhelmus Simonis (Picture by courtesy "Nationaal Archief" The Hague) was born in The Hague on 30 MAR. 1917. Adrianus was executed on the Waalsdorper Plain near Scheveningen on 20 Oct. 1942 by German firing squad during WWII. Many resistance fighters, like Adrianus, fought under the flag of Oranje and were interrogated in the infamous Scheveningen prison, nicknamed “The Oranje hotel”(Read clarification on Oranje Hotel below). “Oranje” is the colour that symbolizes the Dutch royal family, which was in exile during WWII.

François Hubert Simonis (Picture by courtesy "Nationaal Archief" The Hague). was born in Amsterdam 18 AUG. 1899. François died 19 JAN. 1943 in German prison (Hamburg-Neuengamme)

Johannes Marinus Simonis was born in The Hague 22 SEPT. 1920. Johannes died 1944 in German camps.

Philippus Johannes Simonis was born in The Hague 22 OCT. 1919. Philippus died 14 FEBR. 1943 in France (Germany's WW 2 "Natzweiler" concentration camp) .

"Het Oranje Hotel"

The left picture shows the Scheveningen prison entrance Pompstations Weg, which was during the war nicknamed Oranje Hotel by resistance fighters. The picture on the right to it was taken of the (real) Oranje Hotel in Scheveningen (Gevers Deynootweg), before it was badly damaged during the war. It was subsequently demolished around 1950. Our family lived accross the road from it at that time.

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