These two pictures reflect the way we think we still are, but in reality
time has altered these images. I'm more like a prune now... wrinkled...but sweet!! I've known Vince for
30 years but have only "co-habitated" with him for 20 years. We will never make this a marriage in the
legal sense. They say marriage is a good institution but I don't want to be institutionalized(lol).
Besides when two people love each other they don't need oaths to bind them. I liken us to blades of
scissors, seperate entities bound together. often going our seperate ways, but when something comes between
us working together to do what we have to. Perhaps we are not as sharp as we used to be we but we still
function together well!! Vince is now officially a "senior citizen" but is still out there everyday
strutting his stuff as a building contractor. If he takes time off he likes to putter around the spread
or his shop. He doesn't like to travel or be away from home so hasn't been off the "rock" for years.
I still nurse part-time in our small rural hospital but being more selective about how many hours
I work. I seldom stray far from home these days unless it is to do necessary things. I used to enjoy
playing darts, crocheting and knitting, gardening, etc. but since aquiring computer I have been addicted
to it. I seldom go off island and when I do it is usually with reluctance.

"Ok , who's in charge here???"
Bobbi, my oldest daughter, also lives here at MistyBrook with her hubby Willis and
daughter Sydney.They already have to consider enlarging their "Love Shack" as their family will be increasing
soon with the arrival of another little one.
These are our current four legged family denizens. In past havc had many pets including birds,
ducks, goats, but for one reason or another their numbers have dwindled. Gretchen and Lord Windemere(Windy)
are our spoiled brats of the moment.
always nice when neighbours drop by!!
