Ancient Rome Lapbook, continued

Center (clockwise starting at top):  Three flap matchbook on
patricians, plebians, and slaves; a tri-fold comparing Greek and
Roman portrait sculpture; a tetrahedron book trimmed to
resemble Mount Vesuvius; a tri-fold travel brochure encouraging
visitors to see gladiators in action.
Right flap (top to bottom):  Tri-fold containing narration
on Roman construction; a septagon-shaped "flower" that opens to
show the values of Roman numerals; a tri-fold on mosaics
(including a student effort at creating a small mosaic).

Reverse side of top extension:  quadri-fold on Roman
government (senate, consul, dictator, emperor) and a
window book on barbarians that presents each barbarian as
part of a "Rogue's Gallery."  Seen here is Boadicea of the Celts.

Here is the final page of the barbarian book,
showing each "Wanted" picture in order.
