
Memorial Web Pages


"Heaven's Yearbook

Last Updated: March 26, 2001
Allthough we are saddened that you had to find us,
please know you are cared about and loved here.
You are never alone.
(click on the stairway to heaven to enter)
"If tears could build a stairway,
and memories were a lane,
I would walk right up to heaven
to bring you home again."
May this eternal flame burn brightly until we are together once again for all eternity.

Resource Links for Grieving
Alt.Support.Grief FAQ
Grief and Healing Poetry
The Stages Of Grief
Our Sadiversary Dates
Memorialization Ideas For Your Baby/Child
Support Groups Listed By State
Prayer Requests
Awards Our Pages Have Won
 Various Support Groups For The Grieving
Helpful Hints
(after a loved one has died)
International Grief Support Links 
Graphic's Credit Page
Ways To Deal With Grief
What To Do For Those That Grieve Personal Tribute
Page Index
The Memorial Pages of are not limited to it's posters.
Anyone with a loved one may have their memorial pages done for free.
Would you like to be able to put a face with the posters of  Visit our new......
Who's Who on
Who's Who of
If you have a loved one you would like to include
please feel free to send a picture and a biography
Scheduled Chats are held often.  If you would like an email
notice as of when to remind you, please send your
email address to:
Please Don't Forget To Sign Our Guestbook.
We like to see who we've shared our angels with!!
This Memorial Site is Dedicated to the Memory of my
Precious son Buster, who without his unimaginable knowledge
of computers, and that which he shared with his mother, Daisy,
this site could never of been.

The  Compassionate Friends

   If you have lost a child, I strongly recommend finding a chapter
      of Compassionate Friends in your area. Their primary purpose is
    to assist in the positive resolution of parent's grief and to foster
their physical, mental and emotional health.
 A second purpose is to provide education and information on familial grief  to the community. The secret of The Compassionate Friends' success is simple. As the seasoned grievers reach out to the newly bereaved, energy that has been
   directed inward begins to flow outward and both are helped to
      heal. At their site you will find a Chapter Locator to help you find a chapter near you.
         God Bless and keep you in His Loving Arms.
The Dove of Peace flies from site to site,
through as many countries as possible.
It does not belong to ANY belief system.
Please help it make a line around the globe
by taking it with you to your site,
by giving it to someone for their site,
by passing it on to another continent,
or to the conflict areas of the world .


This page maintained by Daisy and my sis Diana
And especially to that wonderful man in my life, thank you for loving me Hudson!