Somewhere far away...lies many mysteries.

There are things that some people just don't know about.

And I'm sure scientists all over the world are working hard to figure out what exactly lies among that galaxy we call space.

But for now... I'm gonna focus on things we can all try to figure out together.

What color does a smurf turn if you choke him?
If you write a book about failure and it fails, what is a success?
Why is there an on-line site for web addictions?
Did you know that it's not what a teenager knows that bothers parents it's how they found out.
Why is it that when you reach middle age, you think you parents drive too slow and they think you drive too fast?
If your teenager threatens to run-away, should you get it on paper?
Do fathers these days think their boys all want to become astronauts? After all, isn't that the reason they sit around and take so much space?
What if life is a joke and we don't get it?
Is it possible to get away from it all? Don't we always go someplace?
Why is it that no matter where you are.. you're here?
Why is it that the most important things in life arent' things?
Why is it that people long for eternal life when the never know what to do on a rainy sunday afternoon?
Why do people press the elevator button more than once when they are in a hurry?
What will happen if you put a slinky on an escalator?
When an elevator is illigally loaded with too many passengers, who is criminally responsible?
Does a crowded elevator smell different to a midget?
On some bottles on sun lotion, why is the sun wearing sunglasses?

What does the Q in Q=tips stand for?
Who decided hat 'Hotpoint' would be a good name for a refrigerator company?
Is aunt Jemima related to Uncle Ben?
If we could put a man on the moon, why can't we manufacture a pair of socks that stay up?
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
Why do long dresses make women look shorter and short dresses make men look longer?
What's the point of training bras? Can we train them to stay up?
Why do underwear come in colors and prints if no one sees them?
Why are buttons arranged differently on men and women's clothing?
Why is there warm fluffy stuff on the OUTSIDE of ear-muffs?
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