
This Page Belongs to Dannica

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My name is Dannica. But you probably know that already because of all the things in the rest of my mom's site. I'm 2 years old and i love it. This age permits you to do a bunch of crazy things and you know "It's just the age" hahaha Boy have we got our parents fooled.

This is my very own page. In here you'll find all sorts of things about me.


My birthday is august 12. I really like getting toys. *wink*


Boy! Where do i start, I like Barney and the teletubbies a lot. They're great. The teach me things like sharing and all that good stuff. Sesame street is also very good. It teaches me the alphabet and all my numbers. My daddy likes it too.


I don't really like cartoons much. But if i had to choose, i'd pick the Magic School bus.


My favorite book is Charlie the tadpole. It's funny. It's about a tadpole that's afraid to turn into a frog.


I think my favorite color is blue.


There's a lot of people i admire. Like my mom, my grandpa, grandma all my uncles and my auntie sofie.


I think i'm still too little to decide what i want to be. I'll let you know when i figure it out.