Life is pretty crazy with a family like mine

but I love them all so much!

My daddy

There he is! In this pic, he's about 25 years old. He doens't really look like this anymore but he's still as nice as he always was. A lot of people think he looks mean but he's really not. He is a really nice and funny guy! I've always been daddy's little girl and I've always admired him quite a bit. I remember when I was little, we used to drive around town just for fun. Then he'd take me to MacDonald's and make me promise not to tell my brothers. Of course, I had to rub it in their faces. But that's what growing up is all about.

My mommy

My mom is a crazy person. But she's really awesome. She always knows how to make people laugh and she really does a great job at it. I've never really been able to stay mad at her for long. Her nick name is, amongst a few others, the turtle. This name suits her quite well cause she's kinda slow at everything she does. You can bet that when she needs to be somewhere for a certain time, she needs to psych herself up for a little while so she's at least half-ready when it's time to

My big bro Dan

Ive been looking for a good pic of Dan. And here it is. HAHAHA Boy oh boy am I glad he lives in Alberta.Dan is kinda serious and kinda grumpy, towards me anyway. When I was young, and my friends would call, he'd always tell them I wasn't home. When I really was. Why? I'm not too sure. I haven't asked him yet. He's a great guy though. And he doesn't do that anymore. Probably cuz he doesn't live here anymore. He's been living in Alberta for quite a while now. Four years if I'm not mistaken. He just recently got engaged to my best friend, Melinda and they just had their first child! She's cute like me too! :-)

My other big bro, Hugo

Here is Hugo. I think he'd kill me if he saw that I put this pic of him in here but he doesn't have access to the net so I'm not worried. lol. Hugo is an o.k. guy. He lives in Alberta too and he got married in June 2001. He just had his first baby. He's also a great cook! Although, when I went to visit them last march, I went to eat at the restaurant he was working at at the time. He made me lasagna and without knowing it, the meat was no good anymore. I was sick the whole way home. He's really sorry about that and he apologizes for it everytime I mention it. lol

And last but not least, My other bro, Tommy!

Tommy is a funny guy. He lives in Alberta right now. He recently got married to a really nice girl named Tina. Poor her! lol. He and I never really got along when we were little but I guess you could say that I saved his life one time. He had built a snow fort on the side of our house and it caved in on him. I was just getting out of the house to go play outside when I heard him screaming. I dug and dug until I found him. I called him "caveman" for weeks to follow. This was quite hilarious to me and I still crack up everytime I picture him lying there covered in snow. hahaha

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