Welcome to

Dannica Georgette Marie Landry's

baby page!

Here is Dannica's birth story :

On december 15th 1996 I found out I was pregnant. I was 15. I was feeling so many different emotions that day; I was scared, ecstatic, happy, confused, and so many more! But overall, I was the happiest girl on earth at that very moment. I then rushed to Andre's truck to tell him the good news. I just said to him "Ok, let's go daddy!". His face became pale but after a few minutes of letting the news sink in, a huge smile came upon his face.

I told my mom and dad and they were surprisingly pretty happy too. After the news had hit them that is. My mom was in denial for a little while but she got out of it shortly before christmas day arrived. But I guess that's the reaction any mother of a pregnant teen would have. My dad has always been anxious to grow old and be able to live a peaceful life and I think that having a grandchild made him get that much closer to his dream. So he was proud. And he still is.

My pregnancy went very well. Except for one little incident where I thought my water broke at school. Now that I think about it, it was kinda funny. I was sitting in the cafeteria and all of a sudden my pants got all wet. I stood up as quickly as I could and rushed to the washroom. My teacher, knowing I was close to my due date ran after me after as soon as she noticed that my seat was all wet. I then got brought to the hospital by another teacher. Well, to make a longer story short, it was just my mucus plug that was leaking a bit. After spending a few days and nights in the hospital, it fixed itself. Thank god!

I was due on August 10th and I had an appointment on the friday before that. My doctor asked me if I wanted to be induced if the baby didn't come over the weekend. Of course, because I had gained almost 70 lbs. I agreed to this. So it was settled. I was going to have my baby on the 11th. The inserted the i.v. and the process began. I was told I would feel some cramping after about 2 hours. I never did. So they increased to amount of medicine. Well, they had to do that 4 times before it actually started to kick in. Finally at 9 p.m. I was starting to feel some major contractions. I had hard back/stomach labour for 3 hours and then got brought into the delivery room. It took me about 25 minutes to push her out. I remember when the doctor told me that the head was out, I asked if he knew the sexe. I was upset when he told me "no". I then looked at my mom and asked her if she could tell me the sexe by looking at the baby's face. This was the big joke for weeks to follow. Finally, my precious baby girl was born!

Date of Birth: August 12th 1997
Given name: Dannica Georgette Marie Landry
Weight: 6 lbs 9 oz.
Length: 19 inches
Born at: Sudbury General Hospital
At: 12:02 a.m.