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Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself while visiting our humble home on the web. There are many different pages in here and I hope you enjoy at least one of them. Please feel free to explore and let me know what you think by either signing my guestbook or sending me an email. Well, I won't keep you much longer, go ahead, have fun as you get to know us and please come back as this site is CONSTANTLY changing.

If you happen to be interested in learning more about me, my family or anything else of the sort, please check out my info pages. To see what I, Dannica of any of our family members look like, please check out the pic pages. All the other pages are in catergories and I hope the page title in self-explanatory.

Here are a few other pages I've added.. check them out.

To learn more about us, check out these pages...

All about me

All about my family

Dannica`s birth story


All about Dannica

Dannica's baby page

Coming Soon!

Dannica's very own page

My favorites things

Coming soon!

My pic pages

A few pics of us

And more

And a bunch more

And just a few more

A pic of Dannica's baptismal

Pics of Andre's side of the family

Pics of my side of the family

My favorite pics of all

Here were the newest pics

Here are the newest sears pics!

Coming soon!Coming soon!

Some poetry pages

A smile poem

A poem about someone special

A poem for some special people

There's more to see in a woman

A poem for Dannica

Coming soon!

Special occasions

Dannica's birthdays

Dannica's Christmases


Our first long trip

Not too long ago...

Pages that don't fit anywhere else

Things to think about

A fun dancing page

My cyber adoptions

For Dannica's best friend

Some background gifs



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