Gus A. Brandt Masonic Lodge #1296
A.F. & A.M.

603 Baca St.; Houston, Tx. 77013
P.O.Box 9794; Houston, Tx. 77213-9794
Telephone 713-672-1371
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2006-2007 Officers

Worshipful Master -  J
immy L. Jones
Senior Warden -  Jim Berry
Junior Warden - Steven Buntyn
Treasurer -
Wayne Kluge
Secretary -
Joe S. Buntyn, Jr.
Chaplain - K. D. Campbell
Senior Deacon - Micky Ray
Junior deacon -
Randy Pruett
Senior Steward - Vacant
Junior Steward - Vacant

Tiler - Mark Neely
Stated Meeting is the 2nd Tuesday of each month
Dinner at 6:30pm - Meeting at 7:00pm
Visiting Brothers Always Welcome
Practices Nights on Tuesdays
Special Lodge Dates to Remember

Golden Trowel Award
Lodge of Instruction meets every Tuesday except the 2nd Tuesday of the Month beginning at 6:30 pm. Come join us for study and fellowship.
30th Masonic District Masters, Wardens and Secretaries Assoc.
Monthly meetings each 4th Wednesday 7:00 pm at Scottish Rite of Houston

Dates to Remember
Rosewyn Chapter #927 Order of the Eastern Star
Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month at 1:00pm
(Except February - 1st & 3rd Mondays)
Pot Luck Lunch at Noon

Dates to remember

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VisitThe Masonic Service Association and Information Center of North AmericaHome Page