Welcome to Debi's Home Page
A PRO LIFE WEB SITE!!! This is the home of Debi and Bernie, Seamus and Erin Bunny, Tigger, the guinea pig, Phoebe, the rat lady, and the flockatiels: Nickie the Wonder 'tiel, Sydney, Martin and Gertrude. More birds! Molly the ringneck,and the Budgies: Peace, Justice, Jochebed, Clare, and Kayleigh, finches: Faith and Charity,Lovebirds: Mercy and Maggie, Buttons, the quail and Coco the pigeon. This is Pooh, my original bunny. She was a house rabbit who lives where all bunnies should, in the house with her humans. Like all house rabbits, she was spayed (for the sake of her health) which made it incredibly easy to litter box train her. Seamus and Erin are both box trained as well. Tigger is an abyssinian satin guinea pig who is the little love of my life.