Keith Hagan 4th Degree Black Belt

My name is Keith and I am 18 years old. I have taken karate for 8 years and on December 1, 2000 I tested for and received my black belt. I have to say it was one of the greatest feeling ever. Then on April 3, 2002 I tested for and received my 2nd degree black belt and I thought it was the greatest feeling ever....until February 28, 2003 when I tested and received my 3rd degree black belt and I know that was the greatest feeling ever....until next time! Ok, I topped that in May 2004 when I tested for 4th degree black belt.

I take karate at Karate International. The style of karate we study is called Sanshinkai. So I hope you will check out the links below and discover something new and something you like.

When I passed my test for 3rd brown my mom made me a congratulations page. So go ahead and make her feel good by looking at it. Congratulations Keith. Then when I made Black Belt she really made a big congratulations page, check out, it is pretty cool! my black belt celebration page. I guess she got tired of make pages for me cause she didn't make any for my 2nd, 3rd or 4th ranks.

My karate Style
Student Creed
Karate Links
My Black Belt Test
My 2nd Degree Black BeltTest
Karate Humor
My 8th Grade Graduation
Coming Soon!

Even though karate takes up a lot of my time I do have other interest. Some of my favorite things to do is hike in the woods with my dog Sam, fishing and working on my truck (I do this a lot!).

Oh yeah! I also have a site that Mom calls my ego site, I don't really know why just because the only thing on it is me, me, and more me! So if your brave enough check me out.

Let me know what you think of my page. Send mail to

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I have had friends in my room since April 20, 1999.

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