Here's what we were up to this winter!
Dear Friends and Family,
I had hoped to update our web page at least once a quarter, and, fortunately, Diane Merlau, a friend from work, helped me by doing this update - thanks, Diane!
I (John) took a business trip to the Electric Power Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, near San Francisco. The town where I was born (Walnut Creek) was not far away, so I took advantage of being there to "see it for the first time" (we had moved away when I was a baby). The Naval Ordinance Station where my parents had lived then was still fenced off, so it looked like it was unchanged from all those years ago - a look back in time!
Shelley and I both celebrated our birthdays.
Bob went on a snowboarding / skiing trip to Mont Tremblant, Québec (Canada), with his friend, Dave Cieminis and Dave's father. He became the official translator for the group doing all the heavy lifting in speaking French. Some of the Québecois even understood him!
Mark continued to referee hockey.
Mark, Shelley, and I went to Mark's hockey tournament in Buffalo, New York. Mark's team made it into the championship game but took second place.
Shelley and her friend, Marcy Sharp, went to the Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario (Canada). Shelley said they served the best high tea she has ever had in all of North America. See the interior of the hotel!
Bob took Shelley to a play, "Twelve Angry Men," about a jury who is eventually swayed by the one person who dissented from the outset of deliberations.
I said good-bye to Lynda Armour, a Christian contractor who had been helping me with my electronic book project at work for the last 18 months. Shelley attended her farewell lunch.
Bob just successfully met a huge yearbook deadline. Some of his non-yearbook friends pitched in at the last minute and helped lighten the load - makes you really appreciate friends!
Mark's hockey team had a "Family Feud" in which all the parents and siblings played against the team. The team won, of course, but everyone had a lot of fun.
Shelley and I attended our first opera ever - "Turandot" - a story of a Chinese princess whose suitors may win her by correctly answering three riddles - or she has their head, if they fail.... Take a look at the program.
After having struggled with math in December, Mark came back and got an "A" on his test!
Shelley's Mom has moved to live with Shelley's brother, Roger, and his family. She is feeling well, and, as always, is very cheerful, but it looks like she will have to have more chemo in the near future.
Shelley has been invited to be Guest Chef for a cooking newsletter.
Bob will be graduating from High School in June.
Shelley and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary!
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