So Many Friends Visited!

During this past fall, Miriam (John's niece from El Paso) began attending a local college. On a weekend off, we took her Genesee Country Museum.

Miriam's First Visit to Genesee Country Museum



We saved Thanksgiving until December to share it with Shelley's Mom, Betty (visiting from South Africa), and our friends, Marcy and Jamie Sharp

Thanksgiving Dinner



Shelley's girlhood friend, Caroline, and her Dad, Ron, visited from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Caroline manages her son's hockey team, so we had lots of fun comparing notes!

Shelley's Girlhood Friend, Caroline



We had a special Christmas tea while they were here...




Betty and Caroline getting reacquainted on the couch.

Christmas Tea



We all went for a walk one cold evening. We had to scrounge for enough warm clothing to fit everyone!

Dressed for a Walk on a Cold Evening



Something we observed on the walk.........

Stick 'em up!



We spent a lot of time crowded into the family room talking...

John & Mark Lying Against the Same Stool



Shelley outdid herself in preparing Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner



Some of the Christmas gifts were pretty wild!

Betty's New Christmas Socks



Don't they look alike??

Two Peas in a Pod



John and Shelley on Christmas Day...

John and Shelley on Christmas Day



Mark, Bobby, and Miriam on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve


