Paula's Genealogy Place |
Surname Meanings |
Alexander - English: From the given name Alexander. In the middle ages all through out Europe various spellings was popular. The name Alexander is from GK Alexandros, which originally was suppose to mean "defender of men". Here are a few various spellings: Fr: Elesander, Alexandre; Sp:Alejandre, Alejandro; It: Alessandri, D'Alessandro. |
Postle - English: Nick name from an apostel or apostle. The nickname may have been created for someone who played a roll of one of the twelve apostles in a play. A few various spellings: Postill, Posthill, Possell. The name Postle also may have been taken from the name Postlethwaite. |
Postlethwaite - English: Is a habitation name from a place in the parish of Millom, Cumb. The name was not recorded until the thirteenth century. The first part of the name Postle, may have been apostel or apostle. Other spellings: Postlethwait, Postlewait(e), Posselwhite. |
Please check back, as I will be adding more names and meanings onto this page! Thank you! |