Celtic Bookshelves

Browse through our favorite books on Celtic history, art, and culture, check for your favorites, or just wander through the whole store! If you see a title you want to know more about, including a photo of the cover, reviews, and pricing and ordering information, just click the flowerpot icon in front of the title.

Pick of the Month

Celtic Knotwork Design
by Sheila Sturrock

This is one of the best books I've seen on this subject. It's very user-friendly; easy to understand instructions for doing your own designs. Click here for more!

The Druids
by Peter Berresford Ellis

Mr. Ellis' well-researched book is highly readable. Treating it's subject with respect and realism, it works to dispel mythology surrounding the druids, and gives the reader a sense of who these wise men really were and what they believed in.
Celtic Women: Women in Celtic Society and Literature
by Peter Berresford Ellis

If you like his book on the druids, you'll also enjoy his take on women in celtic society. Also well-researched and written.
The Celtic Saints: An Illustrated Guide
by Nigel C. Pennick

I had as much fun - ahem! - looking at the pictures as I did reading about these interesting lives. This book is written to be highly readable and entertaining. Or, you can just enjoy the pictures!
How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe
by Thomas A. Cahill

I can't say enough about this book. It pays long-overdue tribute to the early Christian Irish civilization's contribution to Europe, as during the dark ages it worked to educate and preserve knowledge for future centuries, despite it's own hardships and lack of support from Rome. Not only is it a story that needed telling, but Mr. Cahill's account is very entertaining and often moving. He paints visual images that have stuck in my mind for a long time.
The Celtic Book of Days: A Daily Guide to Celtic Spirituality and Wisdom
by Caitlin Matthews

Ms. Matthews book is as beautiful to look at as it is interesting to contemplate. She invites the reader to incorporate a bit of ancient Celtic philosophy into everyday life.

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