Hi my name is Crystal. I have been married 2 and a half years to a wonderful man named Justin. I have a liitle girl named Breanna. She is 4 years old. Breanna is not my husbands biological daughter. I met Justin when Breanna was a month old. We have been together ever since. Justin decided to join the Army in March of 1997. In October of 1997 we were stationed in Bamberg,Germany. We decided to try to have a baby. In march I found out I was pregnant. I was due November 8th. The pregnancy went fine until October 3rd. I was put in the hospital for bleeding. They kept me in the hospital for 3 days. They then decided that there wasn't anything wrong. Everything went fine, I went in to labor November 6th at 5:00am. WE went to the hospital where I was in labor until 9:12pm when Matthew was born. The experience in the German hospital was not a very good one because there was a language barrier. Which I had to have a natural birth because they did not understand me when I asked for an epidural. When Matthew was born was the greatest moment in both of our lives. He looked just like his daddy. His dady was very proud of him. Matthew was 8lbs.8 oz. He had blonde hair. He was 22 inches long. Three days after he was born we were released from the hospital. Matthew was a perfect baby. He never cried except when he was hungry or needed to be changed. Then the day of December 2,1998 came. The night before I had stayed up with him till 2:00am. He acted as if he was not sleepy. The morning of December 2nd came. Justin woke up at 5:00am and went to P.T like he always has. When justin came home he had brought over a friend to have breakfast before they had to be back at work at 9:00am. Justin went in to our bedroom and went to Matthews cradle to check on him. When Justin went to pick him up he noticed he was not breathing. Justin woke me up screaming that Matthew was not breathing. I got up and Justin handed him to me and told me to start CPR. I could not rememeber CPR. Justin took Matthew while his friend went to call the ambulance. He could not reach the ambulance so he went across the hall to ask the neighbor if she knew CPR. She was a nurse at the army hospital. She came in and started CPR. She gave us the numbers to the ambulance. The ambulance got there and they did an examination of him. They then came in and told us that there was nothing that they could do that he had died sometime around 4:00am. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. My husband had a real hard time with it. He was the one that found him... he felt that there should have been something that he could have done to save him. 6 days after his death we were flown back to Alabama to make funeral plans. We had visitation on December 9,1998. The funeral was December 10. The day of his funeral was a beautiful sunny day. We are always going to miss him. But we believe in our hearts that one day we will be together with our son.