Shutts Family Genealogy
       The SHUTTS name is the 13,409th most popular surname in the United States.
Shutts FTM InterneTree
Descendants of Jan Willem Schut
Kinship of Jan Willem Schut
Rose Family Bible
Lewis Ebenezer Shutts-Civil War Disability Discharge
Shutts Family in the Civil War
Schenevus War Memorial, Maryland, Otsego Co., NY
Samuel Shutts
World War Vets-Photos
Our connection to Other Countries-Photos
Look-Up Volunteers-Benton Co, IA-Columbia Co., NY-Otsego Co., NY-Potter Co., PA


Never would I imagine myself to be interested in genealogy.  How boring!  What I didn't realize was that a person interested in history, could get really hooked on this hobby.

It all started in 1982, when our family of four went on a 6000-mile trip in our Volkswagen Rabbit.  Now that was a daring vacation!  One of our stops was Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas and the home of Aunt Donna.

Sitting on the guest room dresser was a manila envelope with "The SHUTTS Family" written boldly across the front.  Curiosity compelled me to ask Donna about the envelope.  That was it, the beginning of a lifelong hobby.  What really hooked me was the information in that envelope.  Not only has the Shutts' family been in the US since about 1650, but they are a patriotic group.  The Revolutionary War, Civil War, World Wars, and Viet Nam have all seen our family members defending this grand nation.

Well, now you know the hook that captured my interest and has brought me to the point of having my own home page.  Please join me on a tour of our family and my favorite hobby.

Like every page on the Internet, we are constantly changing and growing.  Please visit us often.  As a reminder, all genealogical data needs to be verified before adding to your database.  We assume no responsibility for accuracy.
Where the SCHUTT/SHUTTS family can be found:
1650-1871 Ulster>Columbia>Otsego Cos. of NY
1838-1858 Potter Co., PA
1858-1962 Benton Co., IA
1941-Present L.A. Co., CA


Our big mystery!
Elizabeth (Betsey) Lewis
b. 1782  CT or NY
d. 1850 Otsego Co., NY
m. Simon Shutts


Pierre L'Arche 1638
Robert Rose 1594
Jan Willemszen Schutt 1611
Gerard Spencer 1576
SHUTTS FAMILY SURNAMES-Cousins, Aunts, and Uncles

Allen, Andrews, Anzalone, Austin, Babcock, Bailey, Baird, Barker, Barnes, Barry, Berrine, Bevins, Blanchard, Boardman, Boudot, Bradley, Brainerd, Brisee, Brown, Bunt, Burke, Burnette, Burnside, Butler, Campbell, Catlin, Cebra, Chamberlain, Chase, Clement, Clow, Cobbs, Coppoc, Coppock, Cormier, Cornwell, Corrigan, Corson, Courrier, Cox, Crew, Crummet, Dauchy, Dean, DeBoe, Decker, Dedrick, Deihl, Dekkers, Dina, Dingman, Dircks, Doering, Drumm, Duguay, Dutcher, Edson, Edwards, Eilerts, Elliott, Ellyson, Feeney, Fellows, Fenzel, Ferguson, Finger, Finnalli, Franz, Fredenburg, Freer, Fry, Gardner, Gibson, Gionnais, Girouard, Glancy, Goss, Grabin, Graves, Gros, Guess, Hachey, Halleck, Haner/Hanor/Hayner, Hannigan, Harris, Hart, Hash, Haskell, Hawver, Hayes, Healy, Hill, Holcomb, Hotaling, Houghton, Hughey, Hunley, Jacobs, Jansen, Jenkins, John, Johnson, Kajari, Ketchum, Kiffel, Kirk, Kohl, Koning, Kool/Cool, Kortregt, Kozel, Krist, Kuhn/Coon, Kuntz, Landry, Langlois, Lanning, L'Arche, LaRue, Lee, Leger, Lewis, Lommes, Losher, Lucken, Lung, Lusk, Lynch, Mahon, Malais, Manning, Manngen, Martello, Mason, Mattysen, Mayer, Mc Carthy, Mesick, Michl, Michner, Middaugh, Miraut, Mitchell, Mone, Montross, Moore, Morehouse, Morno, Mulherin,O'Brien, O'Hara, Onions, Oosterhout, Orlando, Peabody, Peck, Perez, Petreie, Plass, Pontenier, Post, Rescigno, Ringsdorff, Robinson, Rodgers, Ronayne, Rose, Rossman, Rowe, Savoie, Scales, Schermerhorn, Schmidt, Schnurrpusch, Schott, Schramm, Schutt, Seager, Sharp, Shaver, Shaw, Shoets, Shut, Shutt, Shutts, Sigsbee, Simpson, Smiley, Smit, Smith, Soderlind, Soukup, Southworth, Sparacio, Spencer, Sperry, Spitz, Spoules, Stanley, Sutterlin, Swartout, Tallmadge, Tarbush, Terpenning, Titsoort, Traver, Trogrossa, Tyler, Tysens, Urban, VanDerHoef, Vaudeboc, Versi, Viczina, Wallace, Waterman, Webster, Weding, Weis, Welch, Wells, West, Wetmore, Wilding, Willard, Winfield, Wolff, Worden, Wright, Ziegler, Zufield

Database of 1568 Individuals
Last Updated 4-14-02
Schenevus Cemetery, Maryland, Otsego County, NY
Schenevus War Memorial, Maryland, Otsego Co., NY
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