I do computing for a living at a major public university in IT/Operations.  I like to keep on the go so not to be bored.  I believe in integrety and honesty and my faith in God.  I appreciate all that life has given me and want for very little.  .
Stephen Maupin
I have a beautiful fiance Sandy who I am planning the future with.  II am also blessed with two great children, Heather and Michael, a son-in-law, Pete, and grand kids Alexis, Connor, and Jadyn..  Family, is, and should be, the most important part of our lives.  It is mine.  Occasionally we fuss, but we love each other.
I have a few close friends, and more acquaintenances.
Hobbies include motorcycles, building things, sports cars, baseball, camping and hiking, bicycling,
nteresting places I like include exploring Virginia and West Virginia, riding the Blue Ridge Parkway, any place in  the mountains and canyons of Utah and Colorado, and
the Outer Banks, say Avon, Hatteras, and Ocracoke.
My grand daughter - video
Motorcycle pictures
More Grand Kids pictures