Cloth Mom's Web site at Geocities

we have started updating since our email has changed! Please let me know if you think something should be changed!

Welcome to my little Cloth Diapering web site - I'm Rachel, and my daughter Mackenzie has been exclusively cloth diapered since we brought her home from the hospital. We started doing this for economical reasons, but have continued because it gets addictive and fun! We have also learned a lot about health and environmental issues relating to disposable diaper use (see the Born To Love articles "What's Wrong with Disposable Diapers" and "Environmental Concerns - Looking at both sides of the issue" for starters).

We mainly use prefolds, but use various WAHM and name-brand fitted diapers for quick changes. If I could afford it, I would have mostly fitted diapers once the baby gets over 4-6 months and is very squirmy. But we find ways to amuse during diaper changes - I highly recommend kazoos! For covers, we love fleece - it breathes well and is easy to care for. We also suggest using snaps once the baby is crawling - they learn how to undo Velcro very quickly!

Enjoy your visit!

Rachel and Mackenzie and Isabel

Please also visit our Family Site (not on Geocities)

While you're waiting for us to update our site, please visit Karen's Car Seat Info page and make sure your kids are safe!

On this site:

General Cloth Diapering Information

Washing Instructions

Diaper Showcase

Diaper Cover Showcase

Diapering Resources

Off-Topic - My opinions on what's needed for a new baby

You are the person to visit since June 26, 1999

Last modified 10/13/2000 by RRA

Boycott Proctor and Gamble