Hello and welcome to the Hansen family web page.
We are the Hansens. David, Shelly and Zachary. Hmmmm...ever just wonder what to write in a web page? Well I will give it a shot but I dont think creativity is one of my strong points.
I will start by telling you that we are a Army family stationed at Fort Bragg NC. David is a SGT int the 82nd Airborne Division. I am currently a stay at home mom to two and a half year old Zachary and we are expecting twins (boy and girl) in January.
Fort Bragg is our third duty station but our second tour here. We have also been to Fot Drum NY and David returned home from Korea in December 1998. During his tour in Korea I moved home with my family so I could be closer to them since I just had a baby a few months before he left. I really miss them now that we are so far away again:(
I will admit our dream assignment is to go to Alaska before his career is over but for some reason it doesn't look to much in our favor. Oh well I can dream right?
I didn't enjoy Fort Bragg so much the first time we were stationed here but for some reason it just seems totally different this time around. I have already made some really good friends and have plenty of things to do!
Dave and Zachary June 1998
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