pupsit5r.gif (1060 bytes) Welcome to My Scrapbook pupsit5.gif (284 bytes)









Hi, my name is Gail and these pages are my attempt at being creative and showing off my two Labrador Retrievers.  I am new to owning Labs and am an active member of our local rescue group.

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You are welcomed to visit as often as you'd like. I will be updating my pictures as quickly as I can.

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I'd like to thank Fuzzy Faces for their graphics. Without them this site would be graphically challenged

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Please feel free to sign or view my Guestbook. I'd love to hear about who is visiting.

Sign Guestbook or View Guestbook

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        I have been visited by  Counterpeople. Please come back and watch us grow


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This page was last updated on 02/01/01.