What is your name? (Please do not hit return)

What is your email address? 

What state/country do you live in?

Are you a family member? Yes No

If yes, then what are you in relation to Ray Colgan?

How did you hear about this website? 

Please include URL address of the page you came here from: 

How often do you visit this web site? 

How old are you? 

I think the Colgan Family Website is (on a scale of one to ten):

Pathetic                                                      Awesome

If you are a distant relative to the Colgans and have links to otherfamily web sites please leave email address or web page address:

What would you change in this web site if you had the chance?

If you are a family member and want to help with the site please leavephone number: 

Any additional suggestions or comments:

If you would like to upload an image to appear on the website, or uploada webpage you would like to see on our website, please do it here:

Thank you for filling out our survey!

(Web Administrator - Jay Colgan)