Welcome to Kan-Can Goldens.

If you've found our home on the web, then you probably already know the joy that a Golden Retriever can bring to your life. Kan-Can Goldens is a small kennel in Kansas City, MO which shares in that joy! As a member of the Golden Retriever Club of America and the Kansas City Golden Retriever Club, you can be assured that Kan-Can Goldens makes a strong commitment to preserving the temperment, health, working ability and intelligence of the breed.

Please take a moment to browse the site. If you should have any questions at all, please feel free send email by clicking on the little mailbox below.

Kan-Can Goldens

Send us email Bella gave birth to eight puppies March 7, 2009. One female puppy is available for adoption from this litter. Click the puppies tab above for more information.

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