<bgsound="http://www.multimidizone.co.uk/midifiles/film/a_league_of_their_own.mid" loop=infinite>

Page Updated February 11, 2001

Please submit your Family pictures for this page. Email you pictures, but please remember, all photos emailed must be under 30,000 bytes and in jpg or gif form. Don't forget to submit your family name and location. Looking forward to seeing all of you!


From Sian Salkeld-Bloors, England:

Here is our family at Thomas' Christening on May 14th 2000. L to R: Michael Salkeld(my dad), Susan Salkeld(sister-in-law), Joanne Salkeld(niece), Peter Salkeld(brother) and niece Emilie. My Mum, Joyce Salkeld holding my son Thomas, Me, My husband Steven Bloor and my brother David Salkeld.

From Jorge Salkeld, France:

The Jorge and Catherine Salkeld Family, Christmas 2000, Paris, France

From John Barry Salkeld, England:

John Barry Salkeld and son, Allan John Salkeld, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, Christmas 2000