Wednesday August 2, 2000



Common spotted bog orchid

More bog orchids

 We went for a morning walk across the hills behind the house toward the peninsula. Through bogland, so pretty. Damp walking early morning, ferns still wet from morning dew and night rain. Russ scraped by a stinging nettle......ouch! We were looking for highland cattle that are agisted there. Way across the hills we came across some ruins, the tiny ground plan of a typical stone cottage and a much bigger one.


 We could se it had been 2 storey, as the chimney remained nearly complete with an opening where the second floor would have been. There were no walls, just stone footings including a second room behind the chimney and surrounded by a fairly big area, house paddock and stone fence.

Ruins above Veyatie B&B

After breakfast we found the local Internet site (in the middle of the newsagency) and sent our next bulletin home. We then set off for Ardvreck Castle. It was a brilliant sunny day and there were artists everywhere. All had apparently come in separate cars and left at different times so we weren't sure if they were an organised group or just coincidence.

I sat above the bay and attempted a watercolour while Russ wandered off with the camera. After a couple of hours an army of midges hit. The air was full of them and painting impossible. It was really time for me to find shade anyway, the sun-cream didn't feel like it was working any more.

We lunched in town before returning to our B&B and once again made ourselves comfortable in the conservatory. After dinner we walked again, luckily there was a breeze so the midges less of a problem. I found a tiny swamp orchid, each spotted mauve flower, only about 10mm across.


Dawn & Mel Chapman
66 Baddidarrach Lochinver
Sutherland Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1571 844424