The Wildness of God


Why,why, why does God do such terrible things? He breaks our hearts! I was standing recently at an open grave hugging a guy and a girl, both in tears; their marriage had broken up (they have two kids). It was the guy's brother in the ground, aged about thirty; who'd hanged himself. The lassie was crying as she would love to get back together with her fella but he is not interested! I can tell you, I came home wrecked!

Then there was our wee friend who died recently - aged 13. I went and stood at the spot, a crossing by the local supermarket, where she was knocked down. Friends had laid flowers by the railing; classmates had placed a lovely photograph; sister and mother had left a Bible verse:-

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" Isaiah 49:15

Previously our wee pal had been with us on a Youth Camp. Why does God allow such terrible things to happen?

I don't know what this past year has been like for you; perhaps someone dear to you has died; or a loved one taken seriously ill. Perhaps you have gone through a divorce; lost your job or have been accused wrongfully. YOU ARE LEFT SHATTERED! Maybe you have recently become a Christian or have just been baptised and committed your life to the Lord in a new way; but one thing and then another has gone wrong for you! Life, even as a Christian can be very confusing and there are no pat answers; but it is helpful to be assured that you are not alone in your struggles. Many of God's people have questioned what God is doing!

GOD is not SAFE

It is helpful to realise that GOD is not SAFE! I like the illustration that C.S. Lewis gives in his book, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," of The Chronicles of Narnia series. Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy pass through the door of the wardrobe to find the magical kingdom of Narnia, with it's talking animals and trees, under the spell of the White Witch. Aslan, the Lion, who is the King of Narnia is nowhere to be found. Although it is rumoured that, "Aslan is on the move," he seems to have allowed the White Witch to take over and rule his kingdom. She spends her time pointing her wand at helpless animals and turning them into statues. The four children set out to explore this strange and frightening land which is under the spell of evil and come upon Mr and Mrs Beaver, a couple who are loyal to Aslan. The Beavers assure the children that Aslan is about to return, according to prophecy and that the four friends are themselves part of the same prophecy. They are going to rule with Aslan from Cair Paravel, Aslan's royal city. On hearing this fearful yet exciting news, Susan and Lucy begin to wonder what Aslan will be like. If he is a king who is SAFE, they reason, then all will be well for the future.

"Is - is he a man?" asked Lucy.

"Aslan a man!" said Mr Beaver sternly. "Certainly not. I tell you he is the king of the wood and son of the great Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea. Don't you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion - the lion, the great Lion."

"Ooh!" said Susan, "I'd thought he was a man. Is he - quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion."

"That you will, dearie, and no mistake," said Mrs Beaver. "If there is anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they're either braver than most or else just plain silly."

"Then he isn't safe?" said Lucy.

"Safe?" said Mr Beaver, "don't you know what Mrs Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King I tell you."

In Exodus chapter 1, we find the children of Israel in a very sticky situation - they are slaves in Egypt. Their slave-masters are working them ruthlessly and making their lives very bitter with hard labour in bricks and mortar and work in the fields. Then the Egyptians decide to murder their children:-

"Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile.." EXODUS 1:22

The puzzling thing is, that though God's peoples' sufferings went on for 400 years and many, many men, women and children died - GOD ALLOWED IT!


We must be realists and admit that GOD really does allow TRAGEDY to come into ALL our lives - even to those of us who love Him and follow Him. To deny this is to deny the TRUTH. Not so long ago we were praying for a lovely couple, who were expecting twins. Sadly, one of the babies died not long after their birth. We grieve with the parents! We have to admit that God allows an awful lot of people to go through pain and hurt; tragedy and suffering; sickness and death. It leaves many people asking, "Is GOD GOOD?"


When we focus our minds on our problems; or on the state of the world; or on the sad things that have happened to others; we may have reason to doubt God's GOODNESS. I have been a Christian for twenty eight years and I still have doubts, at times, about God's GOODNESS and His LOVE for me..

But I have found that the answer is always to LOOK to the CROSS of our Lord JesusChrist. When you're bullied and bruised; when you're abandoned by friends and alone; when you're bereaved and broken; when you're in debt with bills piling high; when you're dismissed and lied about; when you're sick and sore; when you are frightened and Satan is letting hot fiery arrows loose on you; LOOK TO THE CROSS.. SEE the SON of MAN bleeding and dying there for YOU, because HE LOVED YOU.. because HE WANTS YOU to be with Him for ever!

Let's all go to the CROSS, right now..


"Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for all your sufferings on the CROSS for me. You DIED a horrible death for me. You shed Your precious BLOOD. How can I doubt You- or Your great LOVE for me? FORGIVE me for not being GRATEFUL. Give me a THANKFUL heart now, as I look again to YOU. Amen."


Moses graphic from "The Prince of Egypt"