We have loved a number
of very dear ones, who have suffered and died through cancer.We
have been very moved at their courage and perseverance through
much pain and unanswered questions. Sometimes we have made a
feeble attempt to step into their shoes and have asked ourselves
the question, "How would I cope, if it was me?" An
honest answer would have to be, "Very badly!"
Sitting down beside
those we love, praying with them and hearing their prayers,
rising up so strongly to the Lord above, has given us moments
that are unforgetable. Hearts have moved through the shock, the
grief, the asking, "Why me?" to the place of acceptance
and that firm resting in the Saviour's mighty love, that is
stronger than death! They have cried and wept before God,
earnestly asking Him to heal, believing that He can; yet they
have with His Son Jesus, said, "Nevertheless not my will but
yours be done."
Together, we have
walked to the gates of Eternity and as we have stood side by
side, saying, "Goodbye," it has come home to our
hearts, that we'll all be together, over there, very soon, in
HEAVEN - with our beautiful Lord Jesus, who died and rose again
for us. What a comfort it is to know that you're SAVED!
"Thank You, Lord Jesus."
"I write these
things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God
so that you may know that you have eternal life." (1 John 5
v 13)
Sometimes, with much
anguish, as we have thought about their struggles of
hospitalisation, radiotherapy, the indignity of hair loss, change
of complexion colour, swelling, excruciating pain, the ageing
process, the removals through surgery, we have asked ourselves
the question, "How do they bear it?" We have been so
bold as to say to ourselves, "If I get cancer, I'll not let
them cut me up!"
Recently a very lovely
Christian, who has undergone surgery, had much treatment and
suffered a lot of pain and stress, told us something we will
never forget and we were so moved by it that we want to share it
with you.
said, "If through my body being cut up into tiny pieces,
I can bring glory to my Lord Jesus, and tell others of His great
then I am more than willing to be cut up!"